CohostMarket Subscription

Standard Membership: Begin Your Journey

Our Standard Membership is tailored for newcomers stepping into the short-term rental property management industry. Establish a basic presence with visibility in one city, one state, and one country.

Profiles appear below Premium and Pro users in search results, and approvals may take up to 3 days. By starting with the Standard Membership, you can establish your presence, connect with homeowners, and explore the potential of the CoHostMarket platform. As you gain experience and build your reputation, you can upgrade to higher plans for more benefits and opportunities.

Features and Benefits - Standard

  • Interview Credit AllowanceReceive 1 interview credit upon sign-up, allowing you to schedule one confirmed interview with a homeowner. Interview System Guide
  • Commission Fee: A 17% commission is applied to one-time payment packages, which is particularly relevant for virtual assistants offering one-time Services using ($) Flat rate Option.
  • Limited Visibility: While visibility is limited compared to higher-tier memberships, establish a presence in one city, one state, and one country with a coverage of 30 km² area. Your profile will appear below Premium and Pro users in search results.
  • Search Result Placement: Appear below Premium and Pro users in search results, while visibility is limited compared to higher-tier memberships, you will still be featured in local searches within your coverage area.
  • Custom Packages and Services: Create up to three (3) unique packages, fully customizable to fit your services and pricing. You can also add custom services according to your needs.
  • Package Service Selection: Add up to fifteen (15) services per package, allowing you to tailor your offerings to meet various client needs. 
  • Monthly Job Connects: Standard members can receive up to (10) Job connects per month, allowing them to bid on job offers posted by homeowners or contact them directly.

To earn these free connects, Standard members must: 
  1. Connect to their account at least once a week. 
  2. Maintain a response rate of at least 80%. 
  3. Have a response time below 24 hours.

Features and Benefits - Standard


Premium Membership: Build Your Empire

The Premium Membership is designed for experienced short-term rental property managers seeking enhanced visibility and growth opportunities. This plan provides a robust set of features to help you stand out and attract more clients on the CoHostMarket platform.

By choosing the Premium Membership, you can significantly enhance your visibility, attract more clients, and access advanced features that support your growth and success in the short-term rental property management industry. 

Features and Benefits - Premium

  • Fast Approval: Enjoy profile approvals within 48 hours.
  • Interview Credit Allowance: Receive 5 interview credits annually, allowing you to schedule and complete up to 5 confirmed interviews annually. Interview System Guide
  • Search Result Placement: Appear below Pro Members in search results but above Standard, increasing your profile's visibility to homeowners.
  • Multiple Location: Target up to 3 locations with a coverage of 40 km² for each location, allowing you to manage properties across a wider geographical range and boost your visibility.
  • Job Offer: Access the Job Offer section and engage with homeowners who post job offers.
  • Contact Homeowners: Directly contact up to 5 homeowners daily, enabling proactive engagement and increasing your chances of securing jobs.
  • Google Map Integration: Showcase your service locations on a Google map, making it easier for homeowners to see where you operate.
  • Superhost & Premium Badge: If applicable, your profile will display a "Superhost" badge and a "Premium" badge, showcasing your experience, commitment to quality service
  • Custom Services: Add custom services to your profile and create unique packages tailored to your clients' needs.
  • Reduced Commission: A 13% commission fee applies to virtual assistants selling online services using our flat-rate payment system.
  • Package Service Selection: Add up to twenty-five (25) services per package.
  • Monthly Connects: Receive (25) connects per month to bid on job offers or contact homeowners.

Features and Benefits - Premium




PRO: Unlock Your Full Potential

The Pro Membership is perfect for experienced property managers, real estate companies, and short-term rental businesses seeking the highest visibility and most advanced features on the CoHostMarket platform.This plan provides unparalleled benefits to help you maximize your potential and attract more clients.

 With Pro Membership, enjoy top-tier visibility, priority placement in search results, and the ability to showcase your company logo and branding.Additionally, access to multiple locations, extensive coverage areas, and advanced customization options ensure you can effectively manage and promote your services on a global scale. 

Features and Benefits - PRO

  • Fast Approval: Enjoy profile approvals within 48 hours.
  • Interview Credit Allowance: Receive 15 interview credits annually, allowing you to schedule and complete up to 15 confirmed interviews annually. Interview System Guide
  • Search Result Placement: As a PRO member, your profile enjoys top-tier visibility, appearing above Standard and Premium members in search results.
  • Multiple Location: Target up to 10 locations/areas with a coverage of 50 km² for each location. This extensive reach allows you to manage properties across a wide geographical range.
  • Job Offer: Access the Job Offer section and engage with homeowners who post job offers.
  • Contact Homeowners: As a PRO member, you can reach out directly to homeowners and introduce yourself and the services you offer. 
  • Google Map Integration: Display a Google map on your profile, highlighting all the locations where you offer local management services.
  • Superhost & Pro Badge: Showcase your expertise with a "Pro" badge on your profile. If applicable, your profile will also display a "Superhost" Badge.
  • Custom Services: Add custom services to your profile and create unique packages.
  • Reduced Commission: A minimal 10% commission is applied to one-time payment packages, particularly relevant for virtual assistants and service providers offering (one-shot) services. 
  • Package Service Selection: Add up to thirty-five (35) services per package.
  • Monthly Connects: Receive (50) connects per month to bid on job offers or contact homeowners.

Features and Benefits - PRO



CoHostmarket Membership Plan

Compare our different subscription

From our "Free Subscription" plan to our "Premium Subscription" plan to our "Pro Subscription" plan, our choices are diverse, meaning that there is a way to make our platform work for you. All it takes is a little bit of thinking on your part to figure out what is best to help you reach your goals!

Discover the ideal subscription plan tailored to your unique needs with Co-Host Market's diverse offerings. Designed for Airbnb property managers, co-hosts, and house cleaning services of all experience levels, our subscription plans provide a wide range of visibility, benefits, and features to help you succeed in the short-term rental industry. Whether you're just starting out or a seasoned professional, we have a plan that caters to your specific requirements and goals.



Designed for top-tier professionals, real estate companies, and short-term rental businesses. Profiles are visible in ten cities, ten states, and one country, with a coverage area of 50 km² per location. PRO users pay a 10% commission fee on flat-rate or one-time payment services.




profile features Standard subscription premium subscription prosubscription
Expedited Profile Approval Up to 3 Days 48 hours 24 hours
Coverage & Location 1 Location / 1 Country 3 Locations / 1 Country 10 Locations / 1 Country
Main Service Category Selection 1 Main Service Category Only Up to 2 Main Service Categories Up to 3 Main Service Categories
Package Service Selection Select Up to 15 Services Select Up to 25 Services Select Up to 35 Services
Yearly Interview Opportunities Read More 1 Interview Credit /Year 5 Interview Credits /Year 15 Interview Credits /Year
Monthly Job Connets Read More Up to 10 Job Connects /per Month 25 Job Connects /per Month 50 Job contact /Per Month
Commission on One-Time Payment 17% Commission 15% Commission 10% Commission
Profile Badge  PREMIUM pro
Company Branding Display
SuperHost Recognition Badge
Enhanced Profile Visibility Listed Below Premium & Pro Elevated Above Standard Accounts Top-Page Listing Priority
Personalized Service Offerings
Dynamic Google Location Map
Extended Coverage Range 30 kmRadius 40 km2 Radius 50 km2 Radius
Profile Rating Update 40 Days 30 Days 15 Days
 Total Price /per Year $19/PER YEAR $49/PER YEAR $149/PER YEAR

Important Given the competitive nature of our platform, with many experienced Airbnb experts and property managers, it is important to understand that there is no guarantee you will be hired, contracted, or receive an interview during your membership period.

profile features free subscription
profile approval up to 40 days
targeted location 1 location/1 country
pro badge
company logo
SuperHost Badge
featured profile show under premium & pro
contact owner
add custom service
Google Map On Profile
Caverage Area 30 km2
Rating Update 90 Days
profile featurespremium subscription
profile approval 48 hours
targeted location 3 locations/3 countries
pro badge
company logo
SuperHost Badge
featured profile show above FREE account
contact owner 5 contact/per 24h
add custom service
Google Map On Profile
Caverage Area 40 km2
Rating Update 60 Days
  $49/PER YEAR
profile featuresprosubscription
profile approval 24 hours
targeted location 10 locations/10 countries
pro badge pro
company logo
SuperHost Badge
featured profile above free & premium
contact owner 10 contact/per 24h
add custom service
Google Map On Profile
Caverage Area 50 km2
Rating Update 30 Days
  $149/PER YEAR

chat ai logo cohostmarket logo